Pharmacy vs Pharmacology
A P4 Pharm.D. candidate at Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy came to speak to us about Pharmacy school and some differences between pharmacy and pharmacology. Getting into Pharmacy School can look many different ways for many different people. Some universities may have "fast tracks" or early assurance programs, others may have more traditional routes to get to pharmacy school. In order to determine the appropriate requirements for when you are applying you will need your PCAT scores (if required), GPA requirements, appropriate courses completed with satisfactory grade, and a complete Pharm.D. Application on There are only two pharmacy schools in the state, Auburn and Samford. Pharmacy school is a doctorate program. Some Pharmacy jobs include Community (chain or independent pharmacy), hospital jobs, infusion, compounding, primary care, academia, management, insurance companies, and drug investigation/research. Pharmacy is the science or practice of preparation and dispensing medical drugs. However, Pharmacology is the study of the effects that drugs have on/in the body.