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Forensic Week Day 5

On the final day of forensic week we held the mock trial. During the trial my team held a strong defense against the prosecution. Throughout the trial it was made abundantly clear that the prosecution's arguments were weak and contained several holes, however, they did make some strong points, like the bloody finger print. The defense team was clear in what they wanted, Mr. Nease to walk free. During cross examination we were successfully able to stop the prosecution's advances towards incarceration. When it was time for closing arguments the prosecution made a mistake that would cost them the case, they claimed that the victims was executed by her husband, that she was begging him to let her live, which would imply she was looking at him, meaning the bullet's trajectory wouldn't have been form temple to temple like it was. Another flaw is that when someone is executed they are shot to the back of the head, not in the temple. Furthermore, if the victim had been executed on her knees, the exit wound would not have been straight across from the entrance wound, but diagonal from it. So, not only did their arguments contain false information, which they would have known due to the medical examiners autopsy report provided on paper as well as his testimony, they stood up there and lied to the jury about the cause of death, which would determine if an innocent man was incarcerated or not. In the end, the jury saw through the prosecution's incorrect statements and declared that they believed he was innocent. The criminal defense team won and an innocent man walked free



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My blog will consist of reviews of guest speakers, lab days, and lectures that take place this year in the Biomedical Health Sciences Program.

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