Forensic Week Day 3
On day three of forensic week we had the actual crime scene. This year the scenario that was presented was a possible homicide. The class was split into two teams and while one waited in the classroom, the other went and examined the crime scene. Before walking into the scene itself we were greeted with a former teacher of mine acting as the victim's husband, he was holding a rag with a red, blood like, substance, and when asked questions, after answering a few, he asked for his attorney. Once my team was able to examine the scene, we were greeted with a maquine lying on the floor playing the part of the victim's body. Upon further examination, we were able to gather evidence that would prove to be useful in the future when it was time to be split up into two other teams, defense and prosecution. Evidence like, both the victim's and the husband's cell phones, the murder weapon along with bloody fingerprints, and an encrypted computer hard drive. After our time with the scene was over we were provided all the information pulled from the cell phones, we were unable to pull anything from the computer due to the encrypted hard drive melted the overall hard drive. In the provided information we were able to determine that the wife was battling depression for a long time, the sister in law was overly flirtatious with the husband, the husband was looking to buy a gun, and the wife seemed paranoid with searching articles on how to know if your husband was going to kill you. After a long discussion, I believed the death of our victim was a suicide.