Forensic Toxicology
The study and practice of the application of science to the law. The forensic scientist is responsible for analyzing submitted evidence and reporting the results in a court of law. Forensic scientists can work for an independent agency, they work for the citizens of the state, they must be lab certified, and they serve multiple agencies (Dept. of Public Safety, Sheriff's Dept, Police Dept, Attorney General, Defense Attorney, District Attorneys, Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, Games & Fish, etc). Evidence is submitted to the laboratory in a sealed manner and a unique number is assigned to that case. The evidence is distributed to the correct discipline of the laboratory and personnel. A chain of custody is created at the time the evidence comes to the laboratory and is maintained all the way to return to the agency. While at the laboratory the evidence is analyzed, weighed, pictures are taken and documented, and finally a report is organized. The report is then sent to the police agency and the Districts Attorney's Office because once the case comes to court they will need to testify. Drug chemistry is responsible for analyzing seized drug evidence submitted by law enforcement personnel. Other people examine the evidence for the presence of biological material, identify/characterize biological material, and attempt to identify who could or could not be a source of the biological material (DNA testing). DNA is a building block of life, a chemical code. DNA is unique in each person except in identical siblings. A person's DNA type from blood, saliva, or other tissues and fluids. Two types of evidence samples normally tested: forensic unknowns and known samples. The firearms/tool marks examiner is responsible for comparing bullets and cartridge cases to a particular weapon or to each other. Examination of clothing for gunpowder residue, and comparing pry marks, cuts, impressions, and saw marks back to a particular tool. Locard's exchange principle states that whenever two objects come into contact, a mutual exchange of matter will take place between them.