Athletic Injury
Athletic training is mainly the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of emergent, acute or chronic injuries and medical conditions. A routine that all athletes should follow is the R-I-C-E routine. Rest, the athlete should rest the injured limb as much as possible. Ice, they should ice the injury for at least 15 minutes every two-three hours. Compression, they should wrap the injured limb with a bandage, which will help decrease the swelling. There are three types of sprains grade 1-3. Grade 1 is when a sprain where the ligaments are stretched past the normal limit, but not torn occurs. Grade 2, the most common type of sprain, is when the ligament is partially torn. Finally, grade 3 is the most severs, it is when the ligament is fully torn. At the Orthopedic office x-rays will be taken and possibly an MRI to rule out what grade the sprain is and what treatment needs to be done to fix it.